Package 'catch'

Title: Covariate-Adjusted Tensor Classification in High-Dimensions
Description: Performs classification and variable selection on high-dimensional tensors (multi-dimensional arrays) after adjusting for additional covariates (scalar or vectors) as CATCH model in Pan, Mai and Zhang (2018) <arXiv:1805.04421>. The low-dimensional covariates and the high-dimensional tensors are jointly modeled to predict a categorical outcome in a multi-class discriminant analysis setting. The Covariate-Adjusted Tensor Classification in High-dimensions (CATCH) model is fitted in two steps: (1) adjust for the covariates within each class; and (2) penalized estimation with the adjusted tensor using a cyclic block coordinate descent algorithm. The package can provide a solution path for tuning parameter in the penalized estimation step. Special case of the CATCH model includes linear discriminant analysis model and matrix (or tensor) discriminant analysis without covariates.
Authors: Yuqing Pan <[email protected]>, Qing Mai <[email protected]>, Xin Zhang <[email protected]>
Maintainer: Yuqing Pan <[email protected]>
License: GPL-2
Version: 1.0.1
Built: 2025-02-20 03:43:38 UTC

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Adjust tensor for covariates.


Adjusts tensor with respect to covariates to achieve a more accurate performance. Tensor depends on the covariates through a linear regression model. The function returns the coefficients of covariates in regression and adjusted tensor list for further classifier modeling. It estimates coefficients based on training data, and then adjusts training tensor. When testing data is provided, the function will automatically adjust testing data by learned coefficients as well.


adjten(x, z, y, testx = NULL, testz = NULL, is.centered = FALSE)



Input tensor or matrix list of length NN, where NN is the number of observations. Each element of the list is a tensor or matrix. The order of tensor can be any integer not less than 2.


Input covariate matrix of dimension N×qN \times q, where q<Nq<N. Each row of z is an observation.


Class label vector of dimention N×1N\times 1. For K class problems, y takes values in {1,,K}\{1,\cdots,\code{K}\}.


Input testing tensor or matrix list. Each element of the list is a test case. When testx is not provided, the function will only adjust training data.


Input testing covariate matrix with each row being an observation.


Indicates whether the input tensor and covariates have already been centered by their within class mean or not. If is.centered is FALSE, the function adjten will center data by class. If is.centered is TRUE, the function will skip the centering step.


The model CATCH assumes the linear relationship bewteen covariates and tensor as


where α\boldsymbol{\alpha} is the matrix of estimated coefficient of covariates. The function removes the effects of covariates on response variable through tensor and obtain Xα×M+1Z\mathbf{X}-\boldsymbol{\alpha}\overline{\times}_{M+1}\mathbf{Z} as adjusted tensor to fit tensor discriminant analysis model.

In estimating α\boldsymbol{\alpha}, which is the alpha in the package, adjten first centers both tensor and covariates within their individual classes, then performs tensor response regression which regresses X{\mathbf{X}} on Z{\mathbf{Z}}.



The estimated coefficients of covariates to plug in classifier. gamma is the γk\boldsymbol{\gamma}_k defined function catch of dimension q×(K1)q\times (K-1), where q is the size of covariates and K is the number of classes.


Adjusted training tensor list Xα×M+1Z\mathbf{X}-\boldsymbol{\alpha}\overline{\times}_{M+1}\mathbf{Z} after adjusting for covariates. The effect of the covariate is removed.


Adjusted testing tensor list Xα×M+1Z\mathbf{X}-\boldsymbol{\alpha}\overline{\times}_{M+1}\mathbf{Z} after adjusting for covariates. The effect of the covariate is removed.


Yuqing Pan, Qing Mai, Xin Zhang


Pan, Y., Mai, Q., and Zhang, X. (2018) Covariate-Adjusted Tensor Classification in High-Dimensions, arXiv:1805.04421.

See Also



n <- 20
p <- 4
k <- 2
nvars <- p*p*p
x <- array(list(),n)
vec_x <- matrix(rnorm(n*nvars),nrow=n,ncol=nvars)
vec_x[1:10,] <- vec_x[1:10,]+2
z <- matrix(rnorm(n*2),nrow=n,ncol=2)
z[1:10,] <- z[1:10,]+0.5
y <- c(rep(1,10),rep(2,10))
for (i in 1:n){
  x[[i]] <- array(vec_x[i,],dim=c(p,p,p))
obj <- adjten(x, z, y)

Fit a CATCH model and predict categorical response.


The catch function solves classification problems and selects variables by fitting a covariate-adjusted tensor classification in high-dimensions (CATCH) model. The input training predictors include two parts: tensor data and low dimensional covariates. The tensor data could be matrix as a special case of tensor. In catch, tensor data should be stored in a list form. If the dataset contains no covariate, catch can also fit a classifier only based on the tensor predictors. If covariates are provided, the method will adjust tensor for covariates and then fit a classifier based on the adjusted tensor along with the covariates. If users specify testing data at the same time, predicted response will be obtained as well.


catch(x, z = NULL, y, testx = NULL, testz = NULL, nlambda = 100, 
lambda.factor = ifelse((nobs - nclass) <= nvars, 0.2, 1E-03), 
lambda = NULL,dfmax = nobs, pmax = min(dfmax * 2 + 20, nvars), 
pf = rep(1, nvars), eps = 1e-04, maxit = 1e+05, sml = 1e-06, 
verbose = FALSE, perturb = NULL)



Input tensor (or matrix) list of length NN, where NN is the number of observations. Each element of the list is a tensor or matrix. The order of tensor can be any positive integer not less than 2.


Input covariate matrix of dimension N×qN \times q, where q<Nq<N. z can be omitted if covariate is absent.


Class label. For K class problems, y takes values in {1,,K}\{1,\cdots,\code{K}\}.


Input testing tensor or matrix list. Each element of the list is a test case. When testx is not provided, the function will only fit the model and return the classifier. When testx is provided, the function will predict response on testx as well.


Input testing covariate matrix. Can be omitted if covariate is absent. However, training covariates z and testing covariates testz must be provided or not at the same time.


The number of tuning values in sequence lambda. If users do not specify lambda values, the package will generate a solution path containing nlambda many tuning values of lambda. Default is 100.


When lambda is not supplied, catch first finds the largest value in lambda which yields β=0\boldsymbol{\beta}=0. Then the minimum value in lambda is obtained by (largest value*lambda.factor). The sequence of lambda is generated by evenly sampling nlambda numbers within the range. Default value of lambda.factor is 0.2 if N<pN<p and 0.0001 if N>pN>p.


A sequence of user-specified lambda values. lambda is the weight of L1 penalty and a smaller lambda allows more variables to be nonzero. If NULL, then the algorithm will generate a sequence of nlambda many potential lambdas according to lambda.factor.


The maximum number of selected variables in the model. Default is the number of observations N.


The maximum number of potential selected variables during iteration. In middle step, the algorithm can select at most pmax variables and then shrink part of them such that the nubmer of final selected variables is less than dfmax. Default is min(dfmax×2+20,N)\min(dfmax\times 2+20, N).


Weight of lasso penalty. Default is a vector of value 1 and length p, representing L1 penalty of length pp. Can be mofidied to use adaptive lasso penalty.


Convergence threshold for coordinate descent difference between iterations. Default value is 1e-04.


Maximum iteration times for all lambda. Default value is 1e+05.


Threshold for ratio of loss function change after each iteration to old loss function value. Default value is 1e-06.


Indicates whether print out lambda during iteration or not. Default value is FALSE.


Perturbation scaler. If it is specified, the value will be added to diagonal of estimated covariance matrix. A small value can be used to accelerate iteration. Default value is NULL.


The catch function fits a linear discriminant analysis model as follows:

Z(Y=k)N(ϕk,ψ),\mathbf{Z}|(Y=k)\sim N(\boldsymbol{\phi_k},\boldsymbol{\psi}),

X(Z=z,Y=k)TN(μk+α×ˉM+1z,Σ1,,ΣM).\mathbf{X}|(\mathbf{Z}=\mathbf{z}, Y=k)\sim TN(\boldsymbol{\mu}_k+\boldsymbol{\alpha}\bar{\times}_{M+1}\mathbf{z},\boldsymbol{\Sigma}_1,\cdots,\boldsymbol{\Sigma}_M).

The categorical response is predicted from the estimated Bayes rule:


where X\mathbf{X} is the tensor, Z\mathbf{Z} is the covariates, aka_k, γk\boldsymbol{\gamma}_k and α\boldsymbol{\alpha} are parameters estimated by CATCH. A detailed explanation can be found in reference. When Z is not NULL, the function will first adjust tensor on covariates by modeling


where E\mathbf{E} is an unobservable tensor normal error independent of Z\mathbf{Z}. Then catch fits model on the adjusted training tensor Xα×M+1Z\mathbf{X}-\boldsymbol{\alpha}\overline{\times}_{M+1}\mathbf{Z} and makes predictions on testing data by using the adjusted tensor list. If Z is NULL, it reduces to a simple tensor discriminant analysis model.

The coefficient of tensor β\boldsymbol{\beta}, represented by beta in package, is estimated by

minβ2,,βK[k=2K(βk,[ ⁣[βk;Σ^1,,Σ^M] ⁣]2βk,μ^kμ^1)+λj1jMk=2Kβk,j1jM2].\min_{\boldsymbol{\beta}_2,\ldots,\boldsymbol{\beta}_K}\left[\sum_{k=2}^K\left(\langle\boldsymbol{\beta}_k,[\![\boldsymbol{\beta}_k;\widehat{\boldsymbol{\Sigma}}_{1},\dots,\widehat{\boldsymbol{\Sigma}}_{M}]\!]\rangle-2\langle\boldsymbol{\beta}_k,\widehat{\boldsymbol{\mu}}_{k}-\widehat{\boldsymbol{\mu}}_{1}\rangle\right)+\lambda\sum_{j_{1}\dots j_{M}}\sqrt{\sum_{k=2}^{K}\beta_{k,j_{1}\cdots j_{M}}^2}\right].

When response is multi-class, the group lasso penalty over categories is added to objective function through parameter lambda, and it reduces to a lasso penalty in binary problems.

The function catch will predict categorical response when testing data is provided. If testing data is not provided or if one wishes to perform prediction separately, catch can be used to only fit model with a catch object outcome. The object outcome can be combined with the adjusted tensor list from adjten to perform prediction by predict.catch.



Output variable coefficients for each lambda, which is the estimation of β\boldsymbol{\beta} in the Bayes rule. beta is a list of length being the number of lambdas. Each element of beta is a matrix of dimension nvars×(nclass1)nvars\times (nclass-1).


The number of nonzero variables for each value in sequence lambda.


Dimension of coefficient array.


The actual lambda sequence used. The user specified sequence or automatically generated sequence could be truncated by constraints on dfmax and pmax.


Objective function value for each value in sequence lambda.


The tensor list after adjustment in training data. If covariate is absent, this is the original input tensor list.


Class label in training data.


Total number of iterations.


Error flag.


Estimated covariance matrix on each mode. sigma is a list with the ith element being covariance matrix on ith mode.


Estimated delta matrix (vec(μ^2μ^1),,vec(μ^Kμ^1))(vec(\widehat{\boldsymbol{\mu}}_2-\widehat{\boldsymbol{\mu}}_1),\cdots,vec(\widehat{\boldsymbol{\mu}}_K-\widehat{\boldsymbol{\mu}}_1)).


Estimated mean array of X\mathbf{X}.


Proportion of samples in each class.


The call that produces this object.


Predicted categorical response for each value in sequence lambda when testx is provided.


Yuqing Pan, Qing Mai, Xin Zhang


Pan, Y., Mai, Q., and Zhang, X. (2018) Covariate-Adjusted Tensor Classification in High-Dimensions, arXiv:1805.04421.

See Also

cv.catch, predict.catch, adjten


#without prediction
n <- 20
p <- 4
k <- 2
nvars <- p*p*p
x <- array(list(),n)
vec_x <- matrix(rnorm(n*nvars), nrow=n, ncol=nvars)
vec_x[1:10,] <- vec_x[1:10,]+2
z <- matrix(rnorm(n*2), nrow=n, ncol=2)
z[1:10,] <- z[1:10,]+0.5
y <- c(rep(1,10),rep(2,10))
for (i in 1:n){
  x[[i]] <- array(vec_x[i,],dim=c(p,p,p))
obj <- catch(x,z,y=y)

Fit a CATCH model for matrix and predict categorical response.


Fits a classifier for matrix data. catch_matrix is a special case of catch when each observation Xi\mathbf{X}_i is a matrix. Different from catch takes list as input, data need to be formed in an array to call the function (see arguments). The function will perform prediction as well.


catch_matrix(x, z = NULL, y, testx = NULL, testz = NULL, ...)



Input matrix array. The array should be organized with dimension p1×p2×Np_1 \times p_2 \times N.


Input covariate matrix of dimension N×qN \times q, where q<Nq<N. z can be omitted if covariate is absent.


Class label. For K class problems, y takes values in {1,,K}\{1,\cdots,\code{K}\}.


Input testing matrix array. When testx is not provided, the function will only fit model. When testx is provided, the function will predict response on testx as well.


Input testing covariate matrix. Can be omitted if there is no covariate.


Other arguments that can be passed to catch.


The function fits a matrix classifier as a special case of catch. The fitted model and predictions should be identical to catch when matrix data is provided. Input matrix should be organized as three-way array where sample size is the last dimension. If the matrix is organized in a list, users can either reorganize it or use catch directly to fit model, which takes a matrix or tensor list as input and has the same output as catch_matrix.



Output variable coefficients for each lambda. beta is a list of length being the number of lambdas. Each element of beta is a matrix of dimension (p1×p2)×(nclass1)(p_1\times p_2)\times (nclass-1).


The number of nonzero variables for each value in sequence lambda.


Dimension of coefficient array.


The actual lambda sequence used. The user specified sequence or automatically generated sequence could be truncated by constraints on dfmax and pmax.


Objective function value for each value in sequence lambda.


The matrix list after adjustment in training data. If covariate is absent, this is the original input matrix.


Class label in training data.


Total number of iterations.


Error flag.


Estimated covariance matrix on each mode. sigma is a list with the ith element being covariance matrix on ith mode.


Estimated delta matrix (vec(μ^2μ^1),,vec(μ^Kμ^1))(vec(\widehat{\boldsymbol{\mu}}_2-\widehat{\boldsymbol{\mu}}_1),\cdots,vec(\widehat{\boldsymbol{\mu}}_K-\widehat{\boldsymbol{\mu}}_1)).


Estimated mean array.


Prior proportion of observations in each class.


The call that produces this object.


Predicted categorical response for each value in sequence lambda when testx is provided.


Yuqing Pan, Qing Mai, Xin Zhang


Pan, Y., Mai, Q., and Zhang, X. (2018) Covariate-Adjusted Tensor Classification in High-Dimensions, arXiv:1805.04421.

See Also



#without prediction
n <- 20
p <- 4
k <- 2
nvars <- p*p
z <- matrix(rnorm(n*2), nrow=n, ncol=2)
z[1:10,] <- z[1:10,]+0.5
y <- c(rep(1,10),rep(2,10))
obj <- catch_matrix(x,z,y=y)

Colorimetric sensor array (CSA) data


A dataset collected from a series of CSA experiments to identify volatile chemical toxicants (VCT). Chemical dyes were exposed to VCT under different concentration conditions and colors of dyes were recorded to identify the class of VCT. There are two concentration conditions PEL (permissible exposure level) and IDLH (immediately dangerous to life of health).




Two lists, PEL and IDLH, and a numeric vector y. Each list contains 147 matrices of dimension 36×336 \times 3.


A list of matrices containing the observations after exposure at PEL.


A list of matrices containing the observations after exposure at IDLH level.


Class label ranging from 1 to 21.


This dataset is provided in the Supplementary matrial of Zhong (2015). In each concentration case, there are 147 observations and 21 classes. We reorganize the data into a list to be directly called by catch. For matrices in the list, each row represents a dye and the three columns correspond to red, green and blue.


Wenxuan Zhong and Kenneth S. Suslick (2015). "Matrix discriminant analysis with application to colorimetric sensor array data" Technometrics 57(4), 524–534.

Cross-validation for CATCH


Performs k-fold cross validation for CATCH and returns the best tuning parameter λ\lambda in the user-specified or automatically generated choices.


cv.catch(x, z = NULL, y, nfolds = 5, lambda = NULL, 
lambda.opt = "min",...)



Input tensor or matrix list of length NN, where NN is the number of observations. Each element of the list is a tensor or matrix. The order of tensor can be any number and not limited to three.


Input covariate matrix of dimension N×qN \times q, where q<Nq<N. z can be omitted if covariate is absent.


Class label. For K class problems, y takes values in {1,,K}\{1,\cdots,\code{K}\}.


Number of folds. Default value is 5.


User-specified lambda sequence for cross validation. If not specified, the algorithm will generate a sequence of lambdas based on all data and cross validate on the sequence.


The optimal criteria when multiple elements in lambda return the same minimum classification error. "min" will return the smallest lambda with minimum cross validation error. "max" will return the largest lambda with the minimum cross validation error.


Other arguments that can be passed to catch.


The function cv.catch runs function catch nfolds+1 times. The first one fits model on all data. If lambda is specified, it will check if all lambda satisfies the constraints of dfmax and pmax in catch. If not, a lambda sequence will be generated according to lambda.factor in catch. Then the rest nfolds many replicates will fit model on nfolds-1 many folds data and predict on the omitted fold, repectively. Return the lambda with minimum average cross validation error and the largest lambda within one standard error of the minimum.



The actual lambda sequence used. The user specified sequence or automatically generated sequence could be truncated by constraints on dfmax and pmax.


The mean of cross validation errors for each lambda.


The standard error of cross validaiton errors for each lambda.


The lambda with minimum cross validation error. If lambda.opt is min, then returns the smallest lambda with minimum cross validation error. If lambda.opt is max, then returns the largestlambda with minimum cross validation error.


The largest lambda with cross validation error within one standard error of the minimum.

The fitted catchobj object.


Yuqing Pan, Qing Mai, Xin Zhang


Pan, Y., Mai, Q., and Zhang, X. (2018) Covariate-Adjusted Tensor Classification in High-Dimensions, arXiv:1805.04421.

See Also



n <- 20
p <- 4
k <- 2
nvars <- p*p*p
x <- array(list(),n)
vec_x <- matrix(rnorm(n*nvars), nrow=n, ncol=nvars)
vec_x[1:10,] <- vec_x[1:10,]+2
z <- matrix(rnorm(n*2),nrow=n,ncol=2)
z[1:10,] <- z[1:10,]+0.5
y <- c(rep(1,10),rep(2,10))
for (i in 1:n){
  x[[i]] <- array(vec_x[i,], dim=c(p,p,p))
objcv <- cv.catch(x, z, y=y)

Predict categorical responses.


Predict categorical responses on new data given the fitted model input.


## S3 method for class 'catch'
predict(object, newx, z = NULL, ztest = NULL, gamma = NULL,...)



Input catchobj class object as fitted model.


Input adjusted testing tensor or matrix list. Each element of the list is a tensor. The tensor should of the same dimension as training data.


Input training covariates matrix. z can be omitted if there is no covariate.


Input testing covariates matrix. ztest can be omitted if there is no covariate.


Coefficients of covariates obtained from adjten. gamma is NULL if there is no covariate.


Other arguments that can be passed to predict.


The function fits LDA model on selected discriminant vectors. Call predict or predict.catch to perform predictions.

There are two ways to make predictions. One way is to directly predict at the same time as fitting model by catch since predict.catch has already been embedded in catch and it will predicts response when testing data is provided. The other way is to first use adjten to adjuste tensor and catch to fit model. predict.catch will take the input adjusted tensor list newx, covariate coefficient gamma from adjten and the fitted model from catch to perform prediction. The prediction is identical to providing catch testing data.



Predicted response of newx for each lambda in model object.


Yuqing Pan, Qing Mai, Xin Zhang


Pan, Y., Mai, Q., and Zhang, X. (2018) Covariate-Adjusted Tensor Classification in High-Dimensions, arXiv:1805.04421.

See Also

catch, adjten


#generate training data
n <- 20
p <- 4
k <- 2
nvars <- p*p*p
x <- array(list(),n)
vec_x <- matrix(rnorm(n*nvars),nrow=n,ncol=nvars)
vec_x[1:10,] <- vec_x[1:10,]+2
z <- matrix(rnorm(n*2),nrow=n,ncol=2)
z[1:10,] <- z[1:10,]+0.5
y <- c(rep(1,10),rep(2,10))
for (i in 1:n){
  x[[i]] <- array(vec_x[i,],dim=c(p,p,p))

#generate testing data
newx <- array(list(),n)
vec_newx <- matrix(rnorm(n*nvars),nrow=n,ncol=nvars)
vec_newx[1:10,] <- vec_newx[1:10,]+2
newz <- matrix(rnorm(n*2),nrow=n,ncol=2)
newz[1:10,] <- newz[1:10,]+0.5
for (i in 1:n){
  newx[[i]] <- array(vec_newx[i,],dim=c(p,p,p))

#Make adjustment and fit model
obj <- adjten(x, z, y, newx, newz)
fit <- catch(x, z, y)
pred <- predict.catch(fit, obj$testxres, z, newz, obj$gamma)

#The adjusting, fitting model and predicting step can also be completed
#by one command.
pred <- catch(x, z, y, newx, newz)$pred